Experience a Breakthrough in Meditation, Brain Training, and Hypnosis!
How to Program Your Mind at Will Overcome Limitations, Find Your Life Purpose, Experience Inner Peace and Create Your Dreams!
Transform Your Life Through Heart Mind Coherence:
Sign up now to receive a free 3 free lessons in Quantum Heart Coherence, a guided meditation and Heart Frequency Audio track worth over $100!
Have you ever struggled with overwhelm, confusion, anxiety, or monkey mind?
Do you have a tyrant that lives in your head or have limiting beliefs you want to get rid of?
Maybe you feel you know you are made for something more and want to get crystal clear on your life purpose and achieve your highest potential!
The science of meditation, brainwave entrainment and psychology has come a long way!
The problem is that many methods are boring, confusing and ineffective!
The Quantum Heart Hypnosis method can help your program your mind and body like computer software, help get you crystal clear on your life path and entrain your mind, heart, and body for high states of consciousness to help you make your dreams a reality!

⏰ Limited Time! Take advantage of the Quantum Heart Hypnosis Launch Pricing & Bonuses!
"The Most Powerful Tool to Help you Achieve Health, Wealth, Happiness and PURPOSE!"
After travelling the world and studying with Tibetan Monks, Native American Elders, and interviewing nearly 400 experts in positive psychology looking for the secrets to enlightenment and human potential the Quantum Heart Hypnosis Method was Created.
Quantum Heart Hypnosis will help you overcome limiting beliefs, get crystal clear on your life purpose, and allow you to literally program and create anything you desire from blissful states of joy, heart brain coherence, and manifesting miracles!
This a breakthrough synergy between ancient wisdom and modern science!

Discover Your Life Purpose
Would you like to know what your life purpose and calling is? Do you feel like you're here to do something and want to make the most out of your life?
Most people believe it's difficult to know what they are here to do.
The Quantum Heart Hypnosis experience helps you tune into the exact frequency of their life path in just one session!

Destroy Blocks, Limitations, and Self-Sabotage
Wouldn't it be great to destroy our limiting beliefs, overcome self-sabotage once and for all?
Our conscious mind when left undirected can cause havoc in our lives making us feel confused, disempowered, and confused.
Thankfully the science of meditation, hypnosis, brain training and positive psychology have given us a roadmap to freedom.
The Quantum Heart Hypnosis Method can help you destroy your conscious and unconscious limitations that are holding you back!

Overcome Fear and Doubt:
Fear is the biggest killer of dreams on the planet. Many go through their lives never becoming who they were meant to be because of fear.
Learn a powerful process you can use to overcome any fear you may have and build the courage needed to reach your highest potential.

Experience a Higher State of Consciousness:
Experiencing enlightenment, Satori, or a state of oneness with the universe is written and many spiritual books.
It seems like a mystical and unreachable state.
When we understand that this state of consciousness is always available and we learn how to come into powerful states of heart and mind coherence we can experience new states of consciousness and entrain our minds to stay there.
What People are Saying about Quantum Heart Hypnosis Experiences ...

One of the most immersive and transformational experiences I have ever had!
As an art director I have been responsible for creating powerful healing and wellness spaces within festivals.
This would include different teachings from Sound Bowls, workshops, biohacking technologies and everything in between.
The Quantum Heart Hypnosis is the most powerful experience I have ever been through!
The synergy of sound technology, modern science and combining the power of the heart is something everyone should experience!
Lyle Maxson
Co-Founder of Camp Satori and Chief Strategy Officer of Andromeda Entertainment

Holy Sh#T! You Really Embody the Experience
This experience helped me get clear on the the difference between the desires of my head and heart.
I was able to see clearly who I wanted to become and what I wanted to embody.
I was able to experience it directly and it was an incredibly transformative and powerful experience!
Petra Hui
Founder of Ethos Experiences

I Was Able to Understand What My True Purpose Was...
I was going through a big transition in my life after leaving my corporate career.
After going through the Quantum Heart experience I was able to really understand and come to what my true purpose was!
Maya Comerota
Business Consultant
Experience a Revolutionary Combination of Meditation, Hypnosis, and Brainwave Entrainment!
The Quantum Heart Hypnosis combines ancient teachings and modern science to bring you a one of a kind experience you can use to overcome any limitation, program your mind at will, create your dreams, and entrain your mind, heart, body and spirit to the highest levels of coherence!
The Quantum Heart Hypnosis program comes complete with 7 transformational guided experience with each having multiple soundtracks that feature the cutting edge in brainwave entrainment, frequencies, and binaural beats to give you the most powerful and immersive experiences!
You'll also get 7 launch bonuses valued at over $500!
01. The Quantum Heart Hypnosis Experience:

The Quantum Heart Hypnosis experience has 3 different powerful audio experiences that use cutting edge sound technology including binaural beats, frequencies, and brainwave entrainment to enhance and create a total immersion experience.
Imagine being able to be transported into another realm through sound. A realm of peace, power, connection and infinite possibility!
Sound technology has made tremendous progress the last 10 years and this track uses cutting edge technology to give you one of the most powerful and transcendental meditation experiences on the planet!
This track was custom crafted by master sound engineer Rob Jameson and musician Eric Archer to give you the most powerful experience possible.
You will experience a combination and variation of binaural beats, solfeggio frequencies, harmonic instruments, 3D sounds, all expertly placed at certain places to give you the most powerful experience possible.
Sit back, relax, and prepare to be transported into the realms of the heart, infinity, and connect to the UNIVERSAL ONENESS WITHIN.
You can also experience the same meditation with a masterful 528hz Solfeggio tuned singing sound bowl experience and a 432 hz Nature Sound binaural experience.
The more you listen to each track the more effect it will have. Each different sound track takes you to another thrilling universe within yourself!
02. The Quantum Heart Hypnosis Daily Immersion:
This track is designed to help make your commitment to creating your life on purpose, achieving your dreams, and program your states of BEING incredibly fun! This track works on the same principal used by the Shaolin monks to create miracles . . . consistency.
With consistency we can learn to break bricks, learn the worlds first front flip superman on a motorcycle like one of my clients did, or create our dreams! Consistency is key and this track keeps it fun.
You will get the recording with 3 different sound experience that will include brainwave entrainment, solfeggio frequencies and sound technology for a total immersion experience.

03. Overcoming Self-Sabotage, Limiting Beliefs & Blocks

Are you your own worst critic? What is the voice in your head telling you? Is that voice infinitely supportive like a loving family member or friend? Or is it a drill sergeant always telling you what you did wrong and that you’re not good enough? Our own mind kills more hopes and dreams than any external factor. WE MUST create a loving, harmonious, and supportive relationship with ourselves if we are going to experience joy, peace, fulfillment and happiness in our lives. No matter how bad your inner critic may be right now the overcoming self-sabotage quantum heart experience will help you re-program your mind in a very short time. Listen to this track as many times as necessary until your natural state of being is automatically supportive. At first you’ll begin to notice when you are hard on yourself, learn to take a pause, and then choose a better thought. Over a short time you’ll learn to be more supportive and kind to yourself. This is state of being necessary to accomplish your dreams and it’s available to you and everyone else on the planet!
04. Quantum Abundance, Prosperity, and Success
The most successful people in history have all revealed the secrets to their abundance, prosperity, and success.
You have the ability to create your dreams, attract wealth and abundance and experience true freedom!
Most people sabotage their own success through limiting beliefs and negative thinking.
There are universal principles for success. If you can install them into your way of being, remove limitations, you can walk the path of success!

05. Quantum Confidence, Self-Worth & Appreciation

The way we view ourselves is what sets the limits on what we can create in our lives. If we do not believe in ourselves and have limiting beliefs, negative self-talk in our minds we are almost sure to fail. Even if we are lucky to get some success our view of ourselves will ensure we stay at the level we believe we should be. The beautiful truth is that all people are made equal. All people are perfect, whole, complete, loved as they are! This is a universal truth and as we go through life our trauma’s, experiences, and outside world do their best to set limits and beliefs on our impressionable minds. The good news is that we have the ability to connect with the the truth of our infinite and perfect nature. We can use our will, consciousness and decision to be kind to ourselves, to believe in ourselves and to create a life we are proud of. ONLY YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO MAKE THAT DECISION! This audio is designed to help program and install the operating system of connecting to the truth of our nature. To live life from a sense of self-worth and appreciation for ourselves. When we are able to do that we feel better ourselves and we increase our capacity to positively influence our environments. This is total congruence with nature and universal law. We must begin by creating a symbiotic relationship with ourselves and it will reflect in our external environment as well. Listen to this audio as much as necessary until the state of being becomes natural. The best way to program the subconscious mind is repetition. Once the belief is installed it will be your new natural way of being!
06. From Fear to Infinite Courage
“He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.” Aristotle Fear is the number one reason people do not chase their dreams. It is the inhibitor to our greatest potential. The great people of history felt fear just like you and I. The difference is that they learned how to harness the power of will and courage to overcome their fear and become powerful creators! This powerful hypnosis track will tap into the eternal intelligence and power of your heart to install and program your body to understand fear in an entirely new way that is empowering. The next phase of the programming will install unlimited and infinite courage that will arise automatically and you can call upon at will. Be Bold. Be Courageous!

07. Quantum 5 Year Vision Creation
It is often said that an individual overestimates what they can accomplish in a year and underestimates what they can accomplish in five or ten years.
There is tremendous power and liberation that comes with having a crystal clear 5 year vision. When we are clear and know what we would like to create, why, and how it will feel our natural and innate power and connection with the universe activates to help us bring it into reality.
The vision may shift and it may not be exact. The purpose is to continue to reflect and refine your direction in the same way the captain of a ship constantly checks his navigational instruments.
As we do the work to reflect on what is most important to us and what we would like to create we are using our natural guidance system to guide ourselves to the experiences we wish to experience.
If you have never thought about your life five years in the future it may be a vague vision and that is ok. Over time your vision will refine and before you know it you’ll be living and experiencing what you first envisioned.
Life is constant growth, expansion, and change. As you reach new levels of creation, gain new skills and mastery your capabilities grow and your vision expands!
Continue the process in perfect harmony with intention combined with surrender to the universe and you’ll be guiding the ship of your life with purpose and power!

Experience Each Session with Cutting Edge
Sound Technology and Meditate Like a Monk
The science of sound technology, frequencies, brainwave entrainment and sound wave technology has exploded over the last 10 years.
We can now use binaural beats to entrain the brain to experience profound states of meditation and re-produce the brainwaves of Tibetan monks through frequencies.
Over time your brain will literally entrain itself to match those frequencies!
Each track comes with two scientifically crafted and masterful sound experiences that utilize binaural beats, solfeggio frequencies, and the best in brainwave technology to give you the most profound experience possible!

Take Advantage of the $500 in Launch Bonuses...
The science beginning to catch up with what the mystics and ancient teachers of the past have been telling us.
We are beginning to create a road map for enlightenment, miracles, inner peace and a connection to our highest potential.
The Quantum Heart Hypnosis experiences are a synergy of the best tools available in sound technology, meditation, and brainwave entrainment.
Like any tool we must use it to realize the benefits. That is why when you take advantage and become a member today you'll get $500 in free bonuses!
Bonus #1
21 Day Life Transformation: A Guide to Consciously Programming Your Mind to Automatically Create the Life and States of Being You Desire:
This book will help you integrate the practice quickly and easily. It will show you how to literally program any state of being you wish, release any block you have, and consciously build your dreams step-by-step!
This book helps you apply the wisdom of the Shaolin Masters in China. It doesn’t take a complicated or mysterious process to do the impossible like break stones, it takes the right process repeated! This guide helps you integrate a powerful practice into your life using tools from positive psychology and habit formation so you can integrate the practice!
Bonus #2
Lucid Dreaming: Explore Other World and Learn to Lucid Dream in 5 Easy Steps E-Book and Audio Immersion
Lucid dreaming is the easiest way to experience other worlds and directly experience new and transformative states of consciousness.
When we learn to become aware in our dreams we trigger something in our being that helps us navigate the waking world.
We begin to tap into our true nature of ourselves and this reality. We open ourselves more to possibility, expansion and our infinite nature.
This bonus will provide a simple guide guaranteed to help you lucid dream with an audio experience that will help you induce lucid dreams so you can begin exploring new worlds at night!
Bonus #3
Sleep Easy Sound Suite: Two tracks for deep and restful sleep
Getting a good night's sleep is often the lowest common denominator that decides whether or not we have a day of joy, bliss and productivity or we struggle and just try and get by.
Sound technology has evolved by leaps and bounds over the last 10 years. This bonus will include two tracks you can use to help you fall asleep more easily and enter deeper states of rest so you can wake up fully refreshed and ready for the day!
Bonus # 4
How to Make Your Own Quantum Heart Experiences Recordings
Creating your own personalized Quantum Heart experiences is incredibly easy.
This bonus will give you a step by step process for making recordings to help you create any change or manifestation you desire.
You’ll get the instructions as well as the customized music with brainwave technology to make the process simple, easy, and fun!
Just like eating your vegetables meditation or using the Quantum Heart process is something you can integrate for a lifetime of results!
Most people sabotage their own success through limiting beliefs and negative thinking.
There are universal principles for success. If you can install them into your way of being, remove limitations, you can walk the path of success!
Bonus #5
Binaural Beat Suite ($97 value)
Binaural beats are a powerful technology for brainwave entrainment. You can use them for a variety of purposes to help entrain your mind for coherence.
In this bonus you’ll get 3 tracks to use to assist you
- Boost Creativity
- Boost Focus
- Deep Relaxation
These tracks can be used daily to help you improve your cognitive performance as well as brainwave entrainment.
Bonus #6
Meditation Track Suite with Solfeggio + Binaural Beats ($97 value)
Have you ever wanted completely immersive and captivating meditation music to help you drift away into inner worlds?
This meditation/hypnosis music package will give you 3 powerful meditations that utilize solfeggio frequencies, binaural beats and the science of sound technology to help amplify your meditation practice.
You can use these tracks to deepen your own practice or as background tracks for your own quantum heart or guided meditation recordings that you'll have learned how to do from bonus #4.
Lifetime Updates!
It may be hard to imagine but there is so much more to come. The Quantum Heart Hypnosis is just the tip of the iceberg and the applications are endless!
You are at the beginning of the journey and with your help and the feedback of the community more experiences, refinements, and experiences are already in the pipeline!
This launch is to simply get what is already made to the public and have the platform for more experiences to come!
If you buy the entire package you'll get lifetime updates. This is a very limited time!
Overcome Self-Sabotage Once and For all!
When you buy today you’ll get access to this special bonus to help you overcome self-sabotage once and for all!
So many people struggle with the voice in their head, self-doubt, criticism and fail before they start.
This powerful journey is to help you overcome self-sabotage and create an inner world of infinite possibilities, support and inner peace.
This audio alone has been the gatekeeper that allowed so many people really break free and achieve their dreams!
100% Hassle-Free Money Back Guarantee
The Quantum Heart Hypnosis experience has been used to empower people for years.
This program has taken into every consideration for you to get the most out of this process.
At the first launch just the Quantum Heart Hypnosis track sold for $97 without any of the new experiences or bonuses.
I am so confident you'll be blown away with these experiences you can buy with no-risk at all.
Try the program today and if you're unsatisfied for any reason you can cancel within 30 days!
The chances are more likely you'll get results and leave us a nice testimonial!

Lets get all your basic questions out of the way!